Thursday 26 June 2014

Bill Gates (Up Close)

Bill Gates, a young computer addict, was driven to the point that he would fall asleep over his computer. He was unkempt looking, but it didn't matter to him. The only thing that mattered was computer programming. Perhaps in the back of his head he could hear his grandmother Adelle (Gam) saying, "think smart, think smart!" He was indeed, an extremely competitive young man. He could also be "an extremely annoying person." He later was known to be so obnoxious he would scream and berate his employees. Was this behavior somehow linked to his phenomenal success? What made him turn his life around and become a philanthropist?

When Bill was a teenager, the scenery was a bit different. The elite in the computer field actually welcomed young people into their fold. Dick Gruen indicated that "a young enthusiast was welcomed, not treated as a gofer." Bill, a troubled `tween and teen, later met up with his partner Paul Allen at Lakeside, a private school, where they were progressive enough to have a terminal linked to a computer. Perhaps many of you know part of Bill's story or may think you know a lot about him, but Marc Aronson's main objective in this book is to tell you how he did it. You are in for a rare treat in this fabulous book! You'll even see a couple of pictures of him as a teenage computer guru.

This book is actually a study in how young people can succeed, but the only problem is (perhaps it is possible) that this special individual must have not just a few of the opportunities and qualities Bill Gates had, but must possess ALL of them in order to empower him/herself to the height and success he achieved. I was not particularly familiar with Bill Gates's business life, nor did I have a feel for his individuality, but after this reading this book I feel I know a lot about him and have a good sense as to whom he is. Did you know there was one man who "was not granted a share in the company he had help to create?" You'll have to read the book to find out about him. Whoa!

By D. Fowler

Get your copy for this book by clicking the link.

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