Monday, 13 January 2014

How To Remove All Friends From Your Friend-list On Facebook

Facebook , worlds biggest social networking site,is better known by it's nick name
fb. All things on fb are becoming trendy.However , this site is founded to connect with near and dear but all those who are new to Facebook want to add more and more friends.They think having more number of friends will impress others they do not bother about the disadvantages of adding so many friends.Well, if i discuss the advantages of adding unknown friend over with disadvantages of adding unknown friends, the list of disadvantages has more number.But those who are new to Facebook does not thinks about the disadvantage of adding more friends , they are just bothered about getting more likes and comments on their  posts.Well,all new comers continue to add friends on Facebook, till when they came across the problem of adding  unknown people.So then the main problem starts  .They want to remove all unknown friends and wanted to add only your relatives and known friends.then you starts thinking how will you remove all those unknown friends who's number is above 1000.Well, to be clear that removing friends is not a easy task , it requires a great labor,

Well, today , we are sharing an amazing tutorial which will help you to remove your all Facebook friends with one click.Like our previous tricks  this trick is also having a script which will help you to remove all the friends in your account.So now without wasting much more time lets up our hands on this amazing trick and enjoy removing all friends and starting your same account from bottom.
Note This script has been tested on Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome.

Remove All Friends From Your Friend-list On Facebook.-2014

Step 1 :- Login your facebook account.
Step 2 :-
Click on view script and copy all the code present there.

Step 3 :-

  • For Google Chrome:- 
Press f12 button to open console box.Paste script in input area and then press enter.

  • For Mozilla Firefox
Press Ctrl+Shift+K to open console box and then paste script in input area and enter enter to run it.

Step 4 :- After running script you will a box on which the status of removing friends would be displayed..
Done ! 

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